Saturday , February 8 2025

DFYPrompt Review – NEW ChatGPT DFY, SuperCharger App

Hello all my friends, welcome to my article DFYPrompt Review. I hope you will have more useful information and happy with my bonus, plus coupon code discount from the vendor Joshua Zamora. Wish you success.

What is DFYPrompt?

DFY Prompt Is the FIRST Web-App To TRULY Level The Playing Field For Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT!

It gives you ChatGPT Superpowers by writing ALL of your prompts for you. So you can take FULL Advantage of This Powerful A.I Technology WITHOUT Spending Hours Learning how to write prompts yourself or buying useless Excel sheets of “pre-written prompt packages”

DFYPrompt Review

Learn-More-Product DFYPrompt

What’s OTO?

DFYPrompt has 4 OTOs

OTO1 – DFYPrompt Agency Plus >>> See Detail <<<

OTO2 – DFYPrompt Advanced >>> See Detail <<<

OTO3 – DFYPrompt Whitelabel >>> See Detail <<<

OTO4 – DFYPrompt + Stoodaio Agency >>> See Detail <<<

DFYPrompt Bundle Deal

With the DFYPrompt Bundle Package, you will get:

  • Unlimited Usage of ALL 10 25 built-in DFY Prompt Templates
  • Access to All 10 Built-in Categories
  • BONUS: MASSIVE Double-The-Prompts Bonus (100 additional DFY Prompts unlocked)
  • BONUS: MASSIVE Double-The-Categories Bonus (10 additional Categories unlocked)
  • BONUS: Agency license to use for clients

Get Access DFYPrompt Bundle Package DealCoupon Code “livespecial”

DFYPrompt Review – How Does It Work?

DFYPrompt INSTANTLY turns you into a ChatGPT expert in under 2 minutes by following 3 simple steps:

Step #1 – Install And Activate Our Chrome Extension App

You can literally do this in under 2 minutes and it’s like the scene from the “Matrix” when Neo gets plugged into the “Training machine” and INSTANTLY has ALL kinds of knowledge uploaded to his brain.

Step #2 – Open the ChatGPT “Playground” And Prepare To Witness Awesomeness

This is where you prepare yourself to become an instant expert. You are currently sitting in the “Training machine” and within minutes you are an EXPERT at ChatGPT.

You are now waiting to go up against Morpheus again after your new-found knowledge

Step #3 – Let Our App Write ALL Of Your Prompts FOR YOU For ALL Your Needs

Here you are, from the moment you completed steps 1 and 2 above, about 3-4 minutes have passed – literally.

And here in Step 3, you are now an INSTANT ChatGPT Expert, just like Neo when they loaded the Jiu Jitsu disk into his brain lol

You are now equipped with ALL the DFY prompts you’d need to have ANY kind of content written for you!

Watch DFY Prompt Agency Demo Video

DFYPrompt Review – Why Should You Get It?

Firstly, ChatGPT Is EXTREMELY Powerful, BUT It Also Has a STEEP Learning Curve!

There I said it. I said what most other marketers will NOT tell you. ChatGPT has a steep learning curve.

Technology is undoubtedly powerful, but the average person does not possess the skills to use it to its TRUE potential.

Could anyone quickly use it to:

  • Write a funny story to impress your friends?
  • Quickly get an answer to an extremely complicated question?
  • Write a lyrics to a cool song that you can record using an A.I voice?

The answer is YES.

But What About Using It To Write Content That ACTUALLY Puts Money In Your Pocket?

What about using it to

  • actually GROW your business?
  • GROW your clients’ businesses?
  • get more traffic, leads and sales?

That is when things REALLY Get Complicated! That’s When REAL Skills Are Needed To Harness The TRUE Power of ChatGPT!

But it should NOT be that way, right?

What’s the point of having access to such POWERFUL Artificially Intelligent Technology if it takes you HOURS upon HOURS to learn how to use it effectively?

You should NOT have to buy several “training” programs only to STILL be left confused on how to use it…

You should NOT have to buy a ton of “prompt packages” from vendors who just paid someone on Fiverr to write a bunch of simple prompts that a 5-year-old could write.

That’s exactly the reason DFYPrompt was born today – A Tool As Powerful As ChatGPT Should Be Easy-To-Use For EVERYONE!

Secondly, Check out Some of the Examples Below Of Just How Powerful Our App Is When Used AlongSide ChatGPT

DFYPrompt Proofs

DFYPrompt Proof

This is Artificial Intelligence Combined With The Power Of Automation To Make You an INSTANT Expert!

PLUS, Check out ALL The Profitable Categories That You’ll Be Able to Have Content Created For When You Combine ChatGPT With DFY Prompt:

DFY Prompt Proof

Thirdly, When you Create Your Account TODAY, You’ll Also Be Securing These Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus#1 – Free Access To DOUBLE The Built-in DFY Prompts – $297 Value

This is a TRULY invaluable bonus that really lets you take this combo to the next level.

This bonus is going to allow you to unlock an additional 15 of the HOTTEST and most profitable DFY Prompts that we have built-in to our platform. (*for the agency plan)

This will allow you to practically DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your profit, by allowing you to quickly create more content at RECORD speed, at ANY time! It’s like inserting a new disc into Neo while he’s in the “training machine”

We could have easily sold this as a separate upgrade. Or sold them as one-time Prompt Packages that we add in the future.

Bonus#2 – Free Access To DOUBLE The Built-in Categories – $297 Value

This bonus works hand-in-hand with our built-in DFY Prompts. We’re going to be organizing all of our Prompts in different categories to make it easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for.

We’ll also be adding some of the more advanced prompts in their own categories as well. With this bonus, you’ll be ensuring you get access to DOUBLE the amount of categories that you would outside of this launch!

Bonus#3 – FREE Access To Our Agency License! – $497 Value

This bonus here EASILY packs the MOST potential PROFIT in your pocket! There are HUMAN writers out there charging CRAZY amounts of money to write content for other people.

And as I mentioned above, even BIG companies are now starting to pay BIG money to people who are “prompt engineers”

Can you imagine how much you can make by charging people to write content for them and have DFY Prompt + ChatGPT do ALL the work for you?

With this bonus, you’l have FULL rights to be able to use DFY Prompt to for your client’s content as well.

DFYPrompt Review – Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Built From the ChatGPT API?

No. This is a custom Chrome Extension that we built that works alongside ChatGPT to write your prompts for you. Do NOT be fooled, ChatGPT does NOT have an official API as of writing this page. (March 6, 2023) Any app that is claiming they’re built from ChatGPT is either lying or using an UNOFFICIAL “hack” that has the possibility of being shut down at any moment.

How does it actually work?

It’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is install our Chrome Extension, which will take you no longer than 2 minutes. Then you open ChatGPT in Chrome, open up DFY Prompt, and you’ll INSTANTLY be able to access HUNDREDS of DFY Prompts to have ChatGPT write you ANY kind of content. Plus, since you’re using PROVEN prompts, there is ZERO guesswork. You’ll get an AMAZING result each time with our Supercharger.

Do You Have Training Tutorials?

Yes, of course. We have tutorials showing you how to install our extension, how to activate it and how to use it with ChatGPT to get the best results.

What are the Upgrades?

A. Upgrade #1 is going to be the ability to unlock ALL of our built-in DFY Prompts as well as ALL of our Built-in Categories. On the FE, you got a maximum of 25 DFY Prompts and 6 Categories. Plus, you’ll be unlocking ALL of the Prompts and Categories we’ll be adding in the future as well. We’re planning to add about 10-20 new prompts per month. You’ll be able to unlock this for $47/quarter.

B. Upgrade #2 is the ability to unlock our CUSTOM Prompts Feature. As time passes, you’ll start to get better and better at writing your own custom prompts. Especially because you’ll be using DFY Prompts and seeing how great prompts are written. By unlocking this upgrade, you’ll be able to start adding your own Prompt templates to our extension as you get better. This will also be helpful if you start using the same style of prompt over and over, you can save it once, and continue using it as many times as you’d like. You’ll be able to unlock this for a $67 on time payment.

That’s it. No more Upgrades

Get Access DFYPrompt Early Bird Discount NowGet Access DFYPrompt Early Bird Price Discount Now

These are DFYPrompt Bonuses When You Buy It On My Review Today

Bonus #1 -WP Email Timer Plus

WP Email Timer Plus is a plugin that allows you to create beautiful countdown timers even INSIDE your emails!

Bonus #2 -Traffic Beast

The traffic that you bring to your website is crucial because it helps you increase your rankings on the various search engines, which is how potential customers can find your company.

Bonus #3 -Email Marketing Success

Email marketing for business isn’t a new concept, and it has been proven to be one of the best marketing tactics for return on investment.

Bonus #4 – Email Monetizer

Turning your email list into a passive income money maker isn’t as difficult, or time-consuming as you may think.

Bonus #5 – Modern Email Marketing and Segmentation

This is a step-by-step guide to start earning REAL list marketing money with modern email marketing and segmentation techniques.

Bonus #6 – Market Storm Magazines

This is a collection of Internet Marketing Magazines with 380+ pages of quality content!

Bonus #7 – Find Your Niche

Owning a business has many advantages from being able to set your own hours to have the control to sell what you want.

Bonus #8 – WP Email Countdown Plugin

With this plugin, you can create unlimited email countdown optin pages. It works in WordPress and any WP theme.

Bonus #9 – Email List Management Secrets

List maintenance is one of the most important subjects in online marketing. Your list is your number one and most basic bottom-level output for your promotions.

Bonus #10 – Boost Your Productivity

This quick guide will reveal you the basic ingredients of productivity and techniques on how to better manage your time.

Bonus #11 – OptiRoi

OptiROI will help you maximize profits regardless of what niche you’re in! You can also use this technology to build bigger email lists, which equates to much more future revenue!

Bonus #12 – How to Keep Your Email Subscribers

Indeed, money is in the list. That’s why you decided to build your own email list but as you go along, building a list is not just your task that you have to take care of.

Bonus #13 – Double Your Email Conversions

The money is in the list. You may already have heard this from many successful online entrepreneurs.

Bonus #14 – Email Marketing Basics Video Course

Discover How to Set Up Your Email Autoresponder withGetResponse So That You Can Grow an Email List That Gets Clicks and Converts into Sales…Starting Today!

Bonus #15 – Xyber Email Assistant Software

Do Your Customer Support with Ease Using Xyber Email Assistant! If you are a current online business, customer support is necessary. This is because you can’t be so sure that your business will work perfectly!

Bonus #16 – Make Your Subject Lines Standout

Maximize your email marketing efforts by simply having the highest results that you haven’t experienced before.

Bonus #17 – Viral List Autopilot

Finally, Discover How to Build a Highly Profitable List By Using This Untapped Viral Strategy!

Bonus #18 – Rapid Lead Magnets

Lead Magnets are basically things that you’ll give away for free in exchange for an email address so that you can follow up with a visitor or subscriber and ultimately get them to build a relationship with you and build rapport. In that way, you will be able to sell them your front and offers.

Bonus #19 – CPA Email Marketing

One of the ways you can organize and automate your CPA network offers is through automatic email campaigns. If you already have a list of subscribers to some websites or blogs you own, you already have a means to do an email campaign with CPA offers.

Bonus #20 – Email Marketing Expert

Your days are spent selling and procuring products, ensuring customer satisfaction and when you are home, you have to work on new products, ideas to improve your service, track finances and do the research to grow your business.


Bonus#1 – The Cold Email Academy (Value $499)

The sales system I used generated $1.2m in 18 months.

  • The four core principles to build a sales machine.
  • Quick hack for composing emails.
  • Subject lines that get opened.
  • Sending emails with a plan.
  • Scale winning sources with outsourcers

Bonus#2 – Become Instant Guru System (Value $97)

Methods you can use to quickly and easily become the recognized authority in your field… starting in as little as 90 days.

  • Establish yourself as the guru.
  • Have potential customers and clients come to you.
  • Generate five times as many leads as you could ever hope to handle.
  • Eliminate cold calling, sales presentations, or the need to do any personal selling.
  • Double, triple, even quadruple your income and earn as much as a million dollars a year or more.

Bonus#3 – Google News Sites 4-Profit (Value $297)

Learn how to build and monetize a Google news website.

You’ll Learn:

  • What Google news sites are.
  • How to make money from them, including the fastest way I know to turn a $9 domain into $150.
  • How to use different site-building tools for Google News, such as WordPress.
  • What Google looks for to approve your website.
  • Ideas and strategies to help you make money with your new site(s).

Bonus#4: Building The Perfect Sales Funnel

Find out the flaws in your system that are leading to the loss of potential customers by reading this groundbreaking and very analytical eBook – Building the Perfect Sales Funnel – An introduction to the ever-changing nature of eCommerce and business and an explanation of why it is crucial to accept changes quickly, get over any personal objections and losses and revamp your website as soon as possible

Bonus#5: 25 Youtube Outro Clips

Build Your YouTube Channel Fast and Easy to Thousands of Subscribers with These Custom Video Outros!

Inside this product is a package of outro templates that you can use for your own project and to your clients or even sell it.

Bonus#6: Lead Generation Mastery

A lead is very important to an online marketer who wants to promote a new product. It helps to pre‐sell the product to the subscribers. It is a way to connect with a targeted audience who would want to know more about your products.

A high number of leads would result in a higher chance of conversion from prospects to buyers. Therefore, it is a vital part of internet marketing. Learn more inside!

Plus Extra Bonus for DFYPrompt

Bonus Package 1

Bonus Package #1

Bonus Package 2

Bonus Package #2

This is DFYPrompt OTO Bonus When You Buy OTO/Upsell

Choose 10 Custom Special Bonus for DFYPrompt OTO

Special Bonuses

♨️ Important Update For Getting My Bonuses ♨️

You need to choose Tony Dong (253075) as your Referrer.

If you see Tony Dong as Your “New Referrer” then Click On The Green “Approve Change” button or if you see Tony Dong as your “Previous Referrer” then click on the Gray “Deny Change” button. It’s very important.

Right Affiliate Id


Please follow all the Important Steps Below to Claim All These Bonuses


  • Step#1: Press (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) or Clean/Delete Your Cookies and cache of your web browser. (Please Clear It Before clicking on the Buy Button on the Sale page)
  • Step#2: Get DFYPrompt app via any link on this article DFYPrompt Review or Click here
  • Step#3: After completing the transaction, Send Me Your Purchase Details, Including Name, Email, Id order, etc for Verification Through My Support Email Only at [email protected] and [email protected]
  • Step#4: Use the subject line “PRODUCT NAME BONUS” in your email and wait

You will receive these Bonuses within the NEXT 20 hours.

Thank you for reading my DFYPrompt Review

Wish You Success and See You Again

About Tony Dong

Hey, my name is Tony. I am an internet marketer and work full time with an online business. I love to work with the perfect product, not a scam. I am very happy to choose a perfect product to review and offer a special free bonus for you.